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More than 100,000 Americans will die yearly from correctly taking their properly prescribed medications.

China Study
Author: T. Colin Campbell

I think everyone knows I want to live a great quality of life. We are living longer but we aren’t necessarily living better as we get older.  I loved this book and was a vegan for 5 years with this as a steady reminder. Here are a few of my notes and a couple links to some great reviews and interviews.  I highly recommend reading The China Study.

My quickie notes…
Not all proteins, carbs and fats are created equal. The less (better quality) foods we eat, the longer we will live (healthier). Plant based diets work!

  • 1-13 Americans have diabetes
  • 1-3 Americans will die of Heart Disease
  • People who ate the most animal-based protein/foods got the most chronic diseases
  • In 1997, we spent over a trillion dollars in health care with the leading cause of death being heart disease, cancer and the medical care given.
  • DEATH BY OUR MEDICAL CARE: medication errors, unnecessary surgery, preventable errors in hospitals, hospital borne infections and the largest category of death by hospital patients? “noxious, unintended and undesired effects of a drug which occurs at normal doses”.
  • We can avoid genetic diseases even though we harbor the genes. The drug companies want to catalog good and bad genes so we can turn them on/off with a prescribed pill even though 20% of all new drugs have serious unknown side effects

 I can’t argue that Bill Clinton is a smart man and I agree with his decision to alter his diet from omnivore to vegan. Check out this article:

Read this great article:

Specific Book details:

In The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The report also examines the source of nutritional confusion produced by powerful lobbies, government entities, and opportunistic scientists. The New York Times has recognized the study as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology” and the “most comprehensive large study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease.”

The China Study is not a diet book. Dr. Campbell cuts through the haze of misinformation and delivers an insightful message to anyone living with cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and those concerned with the effects of aging.

Angie Sellers