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Fitness Features


Stefanie Cain
Triathlon Coach
Written by: Angie Sellers

Stefanie Cain, owner and trainer at Cain Coaching has a large client base of adults 55 years and up who are triathlon training year round.   Since beginning triathlon coaching career in 201, she received the Innovator of the Year Award for creating a triathlon training program specifically designed to train the 55+ age group to compete in triathlons, and been featured in the NY Times as an expert on training retirees to do triathlons! She received a South Carolina Leading Age Innovation Award in 2014 for one of her training programs. Stephanie trains out of the YMCA, Still Hopes and makes personal house calls as needed.

Q&A with our Fit Feature:

What's your personal favorite sport story? 

One of my favorite sports stories is the story of my first triathlon.  A co-worker challenged me to do a sprint triathlon with his wife that was only three weeks away, so she'd have some company (I think he hoped she'd beat me).  I thought about it for a few minutes and agreed to do it.  I showed up at the race with my mountain bike, helmet, a swimsuit, running shoes and ready to go.  I had no idea what I was in for... (I don't recommend this method!).  I got help setting up my transition area from those around me and then got in the pool.  I'll never forget the feeling of crossing the finish line.  I knew I was hooked.  To top it all off, I heard my name called for a 2nd place award in my age group, and I couldn't believe it.  I knew I had found a sport I would love and pursue for a long time to come!  

Favorite healthy snack? 

I have a lot of favorite snacks!  Right now, I usually reach for half a whole grain pita stuffed with guac, turkey breast, and loaded with fresh veggies.  My other favorite is chocolate Vega Protein shakes. 

Best advice for triathlon beginners: 

Don't be afraid and don't let the sport intimidate you!  Stick to your dream and focus on your goals.  This is a sport for everyone, and I do mean everyone! Training for and completing a triathlon of any length can reveal a side of yourself that you never knew, and it's a beautiful thing.  The triathlon community is warm and welcoming and that's what first attracted me to the sport, and I hope to share that warm welcome with beginners I encounter as a coach.  Physical or mental limitations shouldn't stop you from doing something you've always wanted to achieve.