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Fitness Features


Ginger Doughty
Begin Within Yoga & Big Red Barn

Fit Columbia and Midlands Anchor honors local women in fitness with a monthly feature celebrating their contributions to our midlands community. These women are the best of the best in the health and wellness industry. These women are local small business owners, active in the community and have a minimum of five years experience.  Our March 2018 feature is Ginger Doughty. Our feature is written by Fit Columbia’s Karly Lakavitch and Angie Sellers.

Ginger Doughty is a tried and true yogi, but she had not always been one. When she was younger she was an amateur weight lifter. She remembers reading a book about yoga when she was fifteen and having a feeling that she would come back to yoga at some point in her life. Ginger is involved in a lot of different yoga teachings. She has her own business called Begin Within Yoga and she is partnered with Big Red Barn, which is a breathtaking red barn on numerous acres and multiple trails in Blythewood, South Carolina. The Big Red Barn’s mission is to aid veterans and active duty military in a tranquil environment. The programs that are used to relieve PTSD and other war issues include equine therapy, gardening, healing art and meditative yoga. At Big Red Barn Ginger is the active yoga teacher that focuses a lot on breath work that helps the veterans and active duty come back to the present if they become triggered while out living their lives. Ginger also works with Still Hopes that is located in West Columbia for the elderly. 

What got you interested in practicing yoga?

I have been on a journey since a young girl, trying to understand the “mind”, witnessing mental illness in my father was my motivation. 

Why did you choose to work at Red Barn Retreat?

It wasn’t a choice really, it just happened, it was meant to be. I was working in the  Department of Behavioral Health at Moncreif Army Medical Hospital at Fort Jackson serving soldiers for various reason, PTSD, TBI, Addiction and Anger Management. I was feeling the need to do this work but away from the clinical environment. A friend of mine was standing in line for coffee and just happened to spark a conversation with Sutton Shaw and the rest is history. One of my hearts desires has come true, it is amazing what setting an intention can do for your life.

Do you work in all departments of the retreat; meditative yoga, healing art,equine assisted therapy and veterans garden? Which is your favorite?

I work with the yoga, my schedule is backed, leaving me no extra time for the other activities. However now that my teacher training is finished for this year, Jim Dukes the art director and I have talked about us joining together and having a yoga art workshop, making breathing bags and teaching breathwork and meditation for a weekend workshop.

How has working at Red Barn Retreat impacted your life?

In so many ways, I am free to do what I love doing the most, in an environment conducive for the various protocols that I teach. In a  safe space a place of comfort for our soldiers, veterans and spouses to come relax and mend.

What are some exercises you do besides yoga, or if you don’t what are some activities you do just to stay moving?  

My life is pretty much yoga, yoga, yoga, but I do love power walking with heavy hands, hiking, and working in my yard.

What is your go to healthy snack when you’re on the go?

Dried cherries and walnuts. (hopefully with a green smoothie in hand)

What time of the day do you like to work out best?

I wake up at 5:00 and practice Sadhana with my finance Bob Farnsworth. It is a full morning of yoga, kriyas and mantra, mantra, mantra!!!!!  Night time usually back to the mat, for hip openers and meditation.

Angie Sellers